MDes Design Innovation & Interaction Design School of Innovation & Technology

Zongyang Qin

Interaction designer with a passion for experiences and interfaces, and enjoys combining both with technology through a human-centred approach.

MOSS-Make Freelancers Work Healthily

MOSS-Make Freelancers Work Healthily

Illnesses caused by office work are becoming more general and are now a global public health concern. Technological advances have led to increased productivity, but health levels have declined, and the reasons for this intrigue me.

Although the reasons are multiple and complex, design is the discipline of finding clues and establishing order in complexity.

Compared to the office working population, freelancers have less health protection and more health threats. Freelancers have fewer facilities and benefits offered by companies and don’t have a fixed schedule and a well-designed office environment. In addition to this, there is also the psychological risk of feeling socially isolated, etc.

And it’s more cost-effective to prevent illness before than treat it after it happens. In this project, I use a human-centred design approach to explore how integrating wellness elements into traditional project management software allows freelancers to regain control over their work and lives and reduce their isolation from society.

I also integrated my design with interaction design theories to make the experience fluid and natural. For more details, please check my portfolio website and contact me!

Project Management Tool

Adaptive Layout

Incentive and penalty mechanisms

Software Structure

Software Structure

Cursor Reminder