MDes Graphics/Illustration/Photography School of Design
Taoran Fang
As a graphic designer, my work explores the expression of visual narrative in experimental publication design. I focus on studying the relationship between paper materials, binding technology and typography design in physical books to create a unique visual experience.
A Metaphor of the Ocean
People have different interpretations of the metaphor of the ocean.
Some people think
it is the source of life,
the boundary between the sky and the water,
and a feeling of temptation and danger.
In my opinion, the ocean represents dynamic power and is a world of tolerance and flow. This project uses the ocean as the background and water as the medium to convey information, exploring how we should face the relationship between humans and non-humans. Whether it is coexistence or opposition, you and I are both participants and decision-makers.
*120 Pages – 170x240mm – Mix binding
*Papers: Sixties 60gsm, Heaven 42 115gsm, Printable acetate sheet