MDes Design Innovation & Interaction Design School of Innovation & Technology

Jingyi Yang

Jingyi Yang focuses on integrating fun into user experiences and interactions. My work emphasizes combining design with self-awareness to create meaningful interactions that promote societal well-being.

Mindful Drinking

Mindful Drinking

Young adults are particularly vulnerable to social, cultural, and peer influences, which can lead to uncontrolled drinking and negative health outcomes. Alcohol poses significant risks to young people, and in Scotland, the drinking rate among young adults is higher than in much of the UK and Europe.

This project proposes an app to help Scottish young adults aged 21-25 control their drinking, integrate mindfulness into social drinking activities, and promote a new Scottish drinking culture. The app focuses on careful intervention during the drinking cycle and shifting the focus of social activities away from alcohol to more meaningful pursuits.

The smartwatch monitors physiological indicators combined with personal drinking records to calculate a maximum alcohol consumption limit. An alcohol biosensor embedded in the smartwatch collects and analyzes sweat to detect blood alcohol concentration. If the user approaches their maximum alcohol limit or reaches a dangerous blood alcohol concentration while drinking in a social setting, the app will send a warning accompanied by a watch vibration, prompting the user to control their intake.

Additionally, the app offers regular suggestions for alcohol-inclusive social activities, emphasizing meaningful aspects rather than alcohol itself. Participating in these activities helps users learn healthier drinking habits and gradually adopt better behaviors. The app also includes educational modules to enhance users’ understanding of mindful drinking.


User Interface1

User Interface2

Brand Design



Device Design