MLitt Fine Art Practice School of Fine Art
Frankie Brown
Through photographic surveying and documentation, I am interested in selecting images of urbanisation and city regeneration through surfaces that come digitalised and processed through a computer algorithm. Through collecting degenerative surfaces and processing them through screen and textile digital printing; they then become edited and selected before reimagining being placed on high quality fabric substrate. There here becomes a comment on low and high valued representation of pictorial value. ‘Image’ is used as material and in becoming dematerialised allows for ambiguity around originality and authorship. Likewise the metaphysical impossibilities of scanning technologies and geographical topography synthesis together to archaeologically uncover heritage and the historicised context of place.
For this project the brick has served as artifice. political and sociological concerns around house building, industrialization and the demise of craft or merit has influenced the search for ambiguous surfaces. Here archival image works by placement of trial and error collage.