MArch Architectural Studies School of Architecture
Chieh-Ming Yen

People’s lives nowadays are surrounded by a lot of advertisements, brands, and icons. We are recieving endless information but losing the real meaning behind and fooled by the trap of fashion. Individuals tend to show their ideal performance in public. While, is this ideal model the best outfit comes from your own opinion or just blindly chasing the shadow of fame and status. Instead of floating in the trend of fashion, we should remember that clothing is always a medium that we can use for communication. It expresses what kind of person you are, your mood today, it is the initial step you introduce yourself to the world.
Simulacra is a theory proposed by Jean Baudrillard. In postmodern society, people’s decisions and performance are often driven by the Internet that the world is getting hyperreality. Individuals are indistinguishable from the charactor they appear on social media. Here I am borrowing the theory of simulacra’s 4 steps. Not misleading people into a clone of the fashion industry. By contrast, trying to lead people to reconsider of themselves.