MDes Interior Design School of Design

Zijie Jiang (Quella)

Relics carry memories that are audible and have specific images stored in people’s minds.
What I said space tries to encourage people to feel them with a sound interactive installation while displaying the relics.

Project background
Stories / Relics / Memories / Death
Space concept
Collection of relics

Project background

Svalbard Archipelago, a polar archipelago with no cemeteries on the mainland due to the permafrost geology, even though this ensures that the land is protected from human activities, how can people remember those who have passed away, how can people’s memories, stories and emotions be held without cemeteries in the city.

Site: Longyearbyen

Stories / Relics / Memories / Death

Inspired by a film about a relics organiser, the design tells a story through the memories of relics and their owners, while healing those still living on earth. Relics are a repository for emotional support, and the space where they are stored is an important space for the emotional support of the living. The space where relics are organised is, in a way, a continuation of another story. The flow of emotions between people is carried in the objects. One of the meanings of space is to convey this flow. The significance of relic sorting is not just about memory, but also about honouring loved ones or friends, helping people overcome loss and grief, passing on family culture, or giving people a sense of reverence for life.

How can the space integrate different types of relics using the narrative nature of the space? Different narrative spaces can be designed and realised according to specific environments and needs, including the interaction between people and relics, the interaction between people and the live environment, and the interaction between people and the virtual space. Through the construction of space, the relics can not only restore the life of the deceased and build a bridge between the deceased and the living, but also reflect on their own lives in order to make the living better.

Space concept

Space 1 – “Open”
It is a cylindrical space that visually shows the infinite possibilities in the drawer. In this design, each drawer becomes a unique and mysterious storage space, filled with various opinion relics. Through the clever use of geometry and material combinations, we created an engaging and artistic installation. The whole presents a simple and tense appearance, integrated into the environment in the form of a cylinder. Open offers a multi-layered and progressive exploration experience. Visitors can freely choose one or more drawers to open and discover objects that are surprising, moving or thought-provoking. “Open” is not only a display space, but also a spiritual journey. It guides visitors to think, feel, and inspire deep emotional resonance in the process of exploration. Whether it’s sharing your own opinions or drawing inspiration from others, you can find inspiration and connection in this installation.

Space 2 – “Words Said”
Every horn, when your ear is close to it, you can hear a song, an interview, a conversation, everything you can hear. To further feel the memory, the ear is sensitive and careful to sound, and it is an opportunity to listen to your own voice. The design was inspired by our exploration of the powerful connection between memory and sound. The ear, as one of the sharpest and most direct communication senses in our body, has the ability to capture and retain fragments of memories. By providing an interactive auditory space, Spoken Words aims to encourage participants to listen to their own hidden stories and find empathy in them. Spoken Words is a design art installation that uses sound as a medium to create immersive, emotionally reminiscing experiences.

Space 3 – “Transport”
In the design of Transportation, we will present a vibrant and creative environment through careful arrangement and decoration. First, place items such as simulated suitcases, backpacks, and suitcases in the space to create an atmosphere of traveling or moving. These items can be placed in corners, shelves or hung on walls to give people a visual impact.
In addition, some interactive elements can be arranged in the space “Transportation”, such as providing visitors with stories and memories about travel, moving or relics. In this way, visitors can not only appreciate the displayed objects, but also be able to emotionally resonate with them and leave their own stories behind, adding more warmth and humanity to the entire space.
Transportation is a space that integrates memories, relics and emotional sharing. Through careful decoration and decoration, we hope to evoke deep and beautiful thinking about topics such as travel, moving and precious memories, and provide them with a place to relax, share stories and connect emotionally.

Space 4 – “Memory Events”
It is a space that stimulates both visually and audibly, aiming to deeply feel emotions and memories through videos of the deceased’s last words, clips of friends’ gatherings or interviews. This design extension will provide visitors with a unique and immersive experience that guides them to explore and reflect on life’s precious and unforgettable moments. Interactive Installations: In order to make the experience more personalized and interactive, Memory Events also features a series of interactive installations. Visitors can use gesture recognition technology to directly select and play video clips from different scenes, so that they can freely explore and immerse themselves.
As the most personal and emotionally resonant space in the entire exhibition, “Memory Events” brings visitors a journey to explore the precious moments, memories and wishes left by the deceased. Through audiovisual stimulation and interactive experiences, Memory Events will guide each visitor to re-examine the important and inseparable moments of life, and find strength and inspiration in looking back on the past.

Space 1 – "Open"

Space 2 – "Words Said"

Space 3 – "Transport"

Space 4 – "Memory Events"

Collection of relics

Relics, as the most important part of the research project, are a source of emotion and a link to memories.

Relics are collected from people of different ages, different life backgrounds, and different emotional stories, so that different people interact with them with different emotions and different modes of interaction.