MLitt Fine Art Practice School of Fine Art

Chuan Du (she/her)

I am enjoying creating connections without clear intentions;
nature and creatures are of my interest.
I am more into audiovisual art, exploring the possibilities of narrative without words.
concepts absorbed from the philosophical field have always been incomplete, yet I recently became interested in post-humanism.

If any verbal thing is clear, the words likely confuse the viewer’s perception of the work.

digital portfolio
If It Was Here

If It Was Here

Rooted in local folk culture and collective memories, this project draws on them to make a saturated sense of familiarity and intimacy. It tells a tale anew, approaching openings for human beings to bond with other beings and nature.

film still1 of 'If It Was Here'

fragments in a tale of aquatic mythical creatures

film still2 of 'If It Was Here'

film still3 of 'If It Was Here'

film still4 of 'If It Was Here'

[…] The exhibition installation is a recreation of a folk tale in the Highlands. It consists of a metal pool and a sound film, which is made up of three parts. The pool symbolizes the lochs, surrounded by hay. The movie projected in the pool shows the lives of mythical creatures - Kelpies. They wander around their home in a circle, constantly changing their skin colour to suit their environment. Bubble skins are shedding. One of them is jumping. How can they openly and fearlessly show us their private lives?


the film in water